Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Welp, 8 weeks

What a long time since I've updated!

I decided to take off from work on July 25th so I'd have some time at home before baby.  That was great because I went into labor on the 31st.  Of course, she didn't arrive until August 2nd.   Here's my last pregnancy picture, when I knew it was time:

This is from 39 weeks, 1 day.  I was ginormous!  

Here's our birth story:

On Thursday, July 31st, I woke up with a terrible headache.  One of the top five worst headaches of my life.  No amount of Tylenol could touch it.  After finally taking a nap and puking, it tapered off. That night, I started having cramps about 8 pm. I thought they were Braxton Hicks, so when I woke up about 1:30 AM Friday and noticed they were still going, and they were getting stronger, I decided it was possibly happening! 

At about 5 AM they were still going, so I woke my husband up and we went to Labor & Delivery per the instructions of the on call nurse. 

We were at triage for five hours with no progression past one centimeter. So, they sent us home. Well a few hours later the contractions were way worse, so back we went... Only to be sent home again a few hours later with still no progression. They did, however, give me an Ambien to help me sleep.  May have been a bad idea. We got home and 1.5 hours later my water broke, as I was lying in bed crying. So, we headed back, this time with me sitting on towel, and they finally admitted me. Whee! 

I had told myself all through the pregnancy that I was going to try to go without drugs. Haha.  Well, I did make it 24 hours without... At the hospital, I got the epidural ASAP, and slept for a little bit, until the contractions really kicked up and the epidural was basically useless. 

I had progressed to a seven though, so it was all good. Probably an hour later, I was ten, so we started pushing. I pushed for 3 hours with an hour sitting break and her head would just Not come down. 

At this point my doc suggested a C-section. I was very ok with that... but.. Here's the deal. When you start with epidural vs a spinal (which is what my hospital does for scheduled C-Section) things can go a little crazy. Indeed, mine wasn't working and I was pretty much screaming in pain. They gave me some nitris oxide and some other super trippy drugs and I had a full on hallucinogenic drug trip. At one point I actually thought I had died. It was awful.  But at some point, I heard her cries through the hallucination, and eventually I was able to see her.  All I could think upon seeing her was how much she looks like Jared!  I didn't get to hold her until almost 2 hours later because I was so drugged up and shaking so hard, but when I did, it was love.  

Zoe Lane, born 8.2.14, at 1:41 PM, 8 lbs, 3 oz, and 20.5 inches long.  I will add stories about how she has adapted to the outside world in the last 8 weeks later..   For now, here are some pictures!
Zoe at 1 day old
Zoe with her bunny at 8 weeks old

Zoe with Drago

Zoe smiling :)

Friday, July 18, 2014

37 Weeks!

37 Weeks.   Last week I was given a growth ultrasound to see if I'm having a mega baby, since I'm measuring ahead.  At 36 Weeks she was estimated to be 7 pounds!  This is cool because on Saturday I went to see my friend Katie, who had her baby on the 4th of July, and he was about 6 lbs.  So, I was holding an outside baby that was smaller than my inside baby.   So weird.

How far along: 37 weeks, only 3 weeks til D-DAY!

Total weight gain/loss: I'm thinking around 40 pounds... sheesh.

Maternity clothes: All the time. And now I'm starting to out grow some of them. 

Stretch marks: Yea, a lot of those.  And they are itching like CRAZY

Sleep: I'm really, really sleepy. I toss and turn a lot. When I wake up, my mind races and it takes me forever to fall back to sleep. I'm getting up 1-2 times a night to pee.  

Best moment this week: My in-laws visited and brought us a few more gifts for the baby.  She's so spoiled already!

Miss anything:  Beer.  At this point, I'd drink PBR.

Movement: Hiccups daily, and depending on the time of day and my sitting position, a lot of movement.    

Food cravings: I'm trying to convince myself that I'm craving meat, since apparently that will help with the er.. stretching.

Anything making you queasy or sick: No, only gross smells.  Well, ground beef is gross.

Have you started to show yet: I'm so so so big. Blah.

Sex: Girl, aka Team Leia

Belly button in or out: :(:( :( :(  About half and half.. I still have a hole, but the outer edge is out.

Wedding rings on or off: Band on, diamond off. I wear the band on my pinky just in case.

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!!  And still so tired. But really, I'm definitely over it and ready for her to be here.

Labor signs: Starting to get a lot of Braxton Hicks. but that's about it.

Looking forward to: Next Friday being my last day of work!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

35 Weeks

Here's my belly hiding my 60 pound boxer.

How far along: 35 weeks (Or is it a million?)

Total weight gain/loss: I'm thinking around 35 pounds... sheesh.

Maternity clothes: All the time. And now I'm starting to out grow some of them. 

Stretch marks: Yea, a lot of those.  And they are itching like CRAZY

Sleep: I'm really, really sleepy. I toss and turn a lot, but when I'm asleep, it's a hard sleep. Now, though, I'm getting up 1-2 times a night to pee.  

Best moment this week: Finding out I get to have one more ultrasound due to baby measuring a "tiny bit big".  That, and the last baby shower was this weekend at Carmen's, and it was a lot of fun!

Miss anything:  Beer.  At this point, I'd drink PBR.

Movement: Not as much as before, I'm feeling hiccups almost daily, but since she's running out of room, she isn't having any big movements.  

Food cravings: Ice, still.  Turns out it's because I'm anemic. Yay, iron supplements :P

Anything making you queasy or sick: No, only gross smells.  Toothpaste is starting to make me queasy again.

Have you started to show yet: I'm so so so big. Blah.

Sex: Girl, aka Team Leia

Belly button in or out: :(:( :( :(  About half and half.. I still have a hole, but the outer edge is out.

Wedding rings on or off: Band on, diamond off. Actually, half the time I wear the band on my pinky just in case.

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!!  And still so tired. But really, I'm definitely over it and ready for her to be here.

Labor signs: No, but I still have 5 weeks til due date.  I'm hoping she'll come early, though! 

Looking forward to: Ultrasound next week, and leaving work probably on July 25th!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

33 Weeks

How far along: 33 weeks (the picture is actually from 31 weeks..)

Total weight gain/loss: I don't even know.  I didn't think I was doing bad last time, then I got weighed.  The answer is, a lot..

Maternity clothes: All the time. And now I'm starting to out grow some of them. Sheesh.

Stretch marks: Yea, a lot of those.

Sleep: I'm really, really sleepy. I toss and turn a lot, but when I'm asleep, it's a hard sleep. 

Best moment this week: Last night at baby class when I looked down and finally got to SEE baby moving through my belly.

Miss anything:  Beer.  At this point, I'd drink PBR.

Movement: A LOT of movement, and it's awesome.  

Food cravings: Ice, still.  Turns out it's because I'm anemic. Yay, iron supplements :P

Anything making you queasy or sick: No, only gross smells.

Have you started to show yet: I'm so so so big. Blah.

Sex: Girl, aka Team Leia

Belly button in or out: Still in. But very, very close to not being.

Wedding rings on or off: Band on, diamond off. Actually, half the time I wear the band on my pinky just in case.

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!!  And still so tired. But really, I'm kind of over it and ready for my girl to be here.

Labor signs: Not for another 7 weeks at least, I hope. 

Looking forward to: Two more baby showers, then just relaxing til baby comes.  Really, I'm looking forward to Aug 1st, when I get to leave work!

Friday, May 16, 2014

28 Weeks

How far along: 28 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: I don't even know.  I didn't think I was doing bad last time, then I got weighed.  The answer is, a lot..

Maternity clothes: All the time.

Stretch marks: Starting to get more, methinks. 

Sleep: I'm really, really sleepy. I toss and turn a lot, but when I'm asleep, it's a hard sleep. 

Best moment this week: Hmm.  Maybe today when I ordered a baby fez for the newborn shots I'm planning :)

Miss anything:  Craft beer!! and Med Rare Steak.

Movement: A LOT of movement, and it's awesome.  Jared finally gets to feel her sometimes, and it's magic.

Food cravings: ICE!! This week I can't get enough ice to chew on! I've never in my life liked chewing on ice, now I can't stop.

Anything making you queasy or sick: No, only gross smells.

Have you started to show yet: I'm getting huge..  Today, I was told I'm going to have a big baby. I replied, "No, I'm just fat".

Sex: Girl, aka Team Leia

Belly button in or out: Still in. But very, very close to not being.

Wedding rings on or off: Band on, diamond off. 

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!!  And still so tired. 

Labor signs: Not for another 12 weeks at least, I hope. 

Looking forward to: Taking a week off in June so I can clean the house, set up the nursery and relax a little before baby comes.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

25 Weeks

Holy Crap I'm getting big!

How far along: 25 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: It might be tapering off a little.. or at least it was until I went to a family thing last weekend and ate a LOT of yummy homecooked foods.

Maternity clothes: All the time.

Stretch marks: Starting to get more, methinks. 

Sleep: Interrupted, but okay.  Apparently I've been snoring a lot :) 

Best moment this week: The surprise baby shower that my in-laws threw for me!  So many adorable outfits and diapers.

Miss anything:  Cold Turkey and Roast Beef, and craft beer now that it's warming up.  

Movement: A LOT of movement, and it's awesome.  Finally felt her from the outside last Thursday, and feeling her everyday!  Poor Jared still hasn't felt her yet, but he will.

Food cravings: Fries and chips, and sweets.

Anything making you queasy or sick: No, only gross smells.

Have you started to show yet: I'm getting huge..  People keep telling me "Wow, you look really pregnant!"

Sex: Girl, aka Team Leia

Belly button in or out: In, for now.  It's getting more and more shallow.

Wedding rings on or off: Band on, diamond off. 

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!!  And still so tired. 

Labor signs: Not for another 15 weeks at least, I hope. 

Looking forward to: My mom is coming up on Sunday to visit and she's bringing the crib!! Can't wait to have my nursery all set up!  The painting was finished when Jared was off work, and we're slowly going through all of the gifts and getting them washed and sorted, whee!


Thursday night was fantastic, as I finally felt the baby move from the outside!!  I was sitting on the couch reading, when all of a sudden, my hand moved up on its own.  I immediately put my hand back and could feel her kicking against it! That is seriously the coolest feeling in the world.  Kind of makes me wish I could feel that forever.  But not really, because being pregnant is a lot of work.

Easter weekend was great, spent some time with my in-law family out in Andrews, and was given my first little baby shower.  It was a total surprise, and so very sweet.  We received some adorable clothes, toys, and most importantly, a whole lot of diapers!

I love my extended family!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

22 Weeks (I'm a slacker!)

I haven't blogged in a while and I have NO EXCUSE!  Things have been pretty great lately.   I'm no longer nauseated, my headaches have backed off, and heartburn is tolerable.  My only problems are that I am already uncomfortable, and I have a lot of pain under my boob, but I've always had that.

How far along: 22 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: Eh.. more gain than I'd like.  Time to lay off the sweets. I ate a LOT of jelly beans in the last few weeks (darn Easter), and I had joked that this little girl was going to come out smelling like a jelly bean.  But it's time to quit that!

Maternity clothes: Well, I was good when it was cold.   Now that it's warming up I'm going to have to buy a few more pieces.

Stretch marks: No new ones, I guess.  I'm so used to having them that I don't pay attention to new ones. 

Sleep: Interrupted, but okay.  Apparently I've been snoring a lot :) 

Best moment this week: Hmm..  My OB appointment today was fun, I always love to hear her heart beat.

Miss anything:  Cold Turkey and Roast Beef, and craft beer now that it's warming up.  

Movement: A LOT of movement, and it's awesome.  Still can't feel from the outside, but it's nice to know she's in there and moving around.

Food cravings: Fries and chips, and sweets.

Anything making you queasy or sick: No, only gross smells.

Have you started to show yet: I'm getting huge..  People keep telling me "Wow, you look really pregnant!"

Sex: Girl, aka Team Leia

Belly button in or out: In.

Wedding rings on or off: Band on, diamond off. 

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!!  And still so tired. 

Labor signs: Not for another 18 weeks at least, I hope. 

Looking forward to: My husband is off work next week and we are going to finally Paint the nursery!  It will be so pretty.   The bottom half will be pewter, and the top half a plum purple.  Then, I'm going to paint some stenciled stars on the purple with the pewter.  Squee!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Well It's Official!

We are:

Now, to start actually trying to picture myself with a daughter, something I have never done.  All of my life, I've pictured myself with a son.  Just have to change my mindset!  At least a girl means one great thing:  Jared and I don't have to fight over a name.  We are pretty confident in the name we've got picked out.

Now, to finally set up the nursery!  I'm thinking a star theme would be cool :)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

18 Weeks.. Feeling HUGE

I must really love that shirt, haha.  I think I have officially popped into a big pregnant lady! 
We are going for the anatomy scan tomorrow and will find out the sex! So excited. 

How far along: 18 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: Not sure, I'll find out tomorrow.

Maternity clothes: I've got a lot of essential pieces now.  I may hit up Goodwill for fun pieces.

Stretch marks: No new ones, I guess.  I'm so used to having them that I don't pay attention to new ones. 

Sleep: Interrupted.  A LOT of tossing and turning.  And Freaky Azz dreams. Some REALLY good dreams...  

Best moment this week: I got a new phone, woohoo!  Feeling more movement, but sporadically.

Miss anything:  Cold Turkey and Roast Beef.  

Movement: I'm definitely feeling Stormageddon move now.  A lot of flutters and pokes.  Not as much as last week, but still.

Food cravings: Fries and chips. Pizza. Chinese food :)

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not much this week, thankfully.

Have you started to show yet:  I'm just huge right now..

Sex: One more day!

Belly button in or out: In.

Wedding rings on or off: Band on, diamond off. 

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!!  And still so tired. 

Labor signs: Not for another 22 weeks at least, I hope. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

17 weeks, wow

How far along: 17 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 2 Pounds total, I believe.  I don't keep a scale at home, so I'll find out at my Anatomy Scan next week.

Maternity clothes: I've got a lot of essential pieces now.  I may hit up Goodwill for fun pieces.

Stretch marks: No new ones, I guess.  I'm so used to having them that I don't pay attention to new ones. 

Sleep: Interrupted.  A LOT of tossing and turning.  AND Freaky Azz dreams. Last night I had one that gives me the heeby jeebies.  

Best moment this week: Last night Jared and I went to a Duke basketball game, and that was a lot of fun :)

Miss anything:  Cold Turkey and Roast Beef.  

Movement: I'm definitely feeling Stormageddon move now.  A lot of flutters and pokes.  He (or she) apparently really loves Duke basketball.

Food cravings: Fries and chips.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not much this week, thankfully.

Have you started to show yet: Most definitely.  My old lady coworker keeps telling me how BIG I'm getting..

Sex: One more week!

Belly button in or out: In.

Wedding rings on or off: Band on, diamond off. 

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!!  And still so tired. 

Labor signs: Not for another 23 weeks at least, I hope. 

Looking forward to: Next Thursday, Anatomy Scan.