How far along: 17 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 2 Pounds total, I believe. I don't keep a scale at home, so I'll find out at my Anatomy Scan next week.
Maternity clothes: I've got a lot of essential pieces now. I may hit up Goodwill for fun pieces.
Stretch marks: No new ones, I guess. I'm so used to having them that I don't pay attention to new ones.
Sleep: Interrupted. A LOT of tossing and turning. AND Freaky Azz dreams. Last night I had one that gives me the heeby jeebies.
Best moment this week: Last night Jared and I went to a Duke basketball game, and that was a lot of fun :)
Miss anything: Cold Turkey and Roast Beef.
Movement: I'm definitely feeling Stormageddon move now. A lot of flutters and pokes. He (or she) apparently really loves Duke basketball.
Food cravings: Fries and chips.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not much this week, thankfully.
Have you started to show yet: Most definitely. My old lady coworker keeps telling me how BIG I'm getting..
Sex: One more week!
Belly button in or out: In.
Wedding rings on or off: Band on, diamond off.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!! And still so tired.
Labor signs: Not for another 23 weeks at least, I hope.
Looking forward to: Next Thursday, Anatomy Scan.