Friday, March 7, 2014

Well It's Official!

We are:

Now, to start actually trying to picture myself with a daughter, something I have never done.  All of my life, I've pictured myself with a son.  Just have to change my mindset!  At least a girl means one great thing:  Jared and I don't have to fight over a name.  We are pretty confident in the name we've got picked out.

Now, to finally set up the nursery!  I'm thinking a star theme would be cool :)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

18 Weeks.. Feeling HUGE

I must really love that shirt, haha.  I think I have officially popped into a big pregnant lady! 
We are going for the anatomy scan tomorrow and will find out the sex! So excited. 

How far along: 18 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: Not sure, I'll find out tomorrow.

Maternity clothes: I've got a lot of essential pieces now.  I may hit up Goodwill for fun pieces.

Stretch marks: No new ones, I guess.  I'm so used to having them that I don't pay attention to new ones. 

Sleep: Interrupted.  A LOT of tossing and turning.  And Freaky Azz dreams. Some REALLY good dreams...  

Best moment this week: I got a new phone, woohoo!  Feeling more movement, but sporadically.

Miss anything:  Cold Turkey and Roast Beef.  

Movement: I'm definitely feeling Stormageddon move now.  A lot of flutters and pokes.  Not as much as last week, but still.

Food cravings: Fries and chips. Pizza. Chinese food :)

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not much this week, thankfully.

Have you started to show yet:  I'm just huge right now..

Sex: One more day!

Belly button in or out: In.

Wedding rings on or off: Band on, diamond off. 

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!!  And still so tired. 

Labor signs: Not for another 22 weeks at least, I hope.