Friday, May 16, 2014

28 Weeks

How far along: 28 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: I don't even know.  I didn't think I was doing bad last time, then I got weighed.  The answer is, a lot..

Maternity clothes: All the time.

Stretch marks: Starting to get more, methinks. 

Sleep: I'm really, really sleepy. I toss and turn a lot, but when I'm asleep, it's a hard sleep. 

Best moment this week: Hmm.  Maybe today when I ordered a baby fez for the newborn shots I'm planning :)

Miss anything:  Craft beer!! and Med Rare Steak.

Movement: A LOT of movement, and it's awesome.  Jared finally gets to feel her sometimes, and it's magic.

Food cravings: ICE!! This week I can't get enough ice to chew on! I've never in my life liked chewing on ice, now I can't stop.

Anything making you queasy or sick: No, only gross smells.

Have you started to show yet: I'm getting huge..  Today, I was told I'm going to have a big baby. I replied, "No, I'm just fat".

Sex: Girl, aka Team Leia

Belly button in or out: Still in. But very, very close to not being.

Wedding rings on or off: Band on, diamond off. 

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!!  And still so tired. 

Labor signs: Not for another 12 weeks at least, I hope. 

Looking forward to: Taking a week off in June so I can clean the house, set up the nursery and relax a little before baby comes.