Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Welp, 8 weeks

What a long time since I've updated!

I decided to take off from work on July 25th so I'd have some time at home before baby.  That was great because I went into labor on the 31st.  Of course, she didn't arrive until August 2nd.   Here's my last pregnancy picture, when I knew it was time:

This is from 39 weeks, 1 day.  I was ginormous!  

Here's our birth story:

On Thursday, July 31st, I woke up with a terrible headache.  One of the top five worst headaches of my life.  No amount of Tylenol could touch it.  After finally taking a nap and puking, it tapered off. That night, I started having cramps about 8 pm. I thought they were Braxton Hicks, so when I woke up about 1:30 AM Friday and noticed they were still going, and they were getting stronger, I decided it was possibly happening! 

At about 5 AM they were still going, so I woke my husband up and we went to Labor & Delivery per the instructions of the on call nurse. 

We were at triage for five hours with no progression past one centimeter. So, they sent us home. Well a few hours later the contractions were way worse, so back we went... Only to be sent home again a few hours later with still no progression. They did, however, give me an Ambien to help me sleep.  May have been a bad idea. We got home and 1.5 hours later my water broke, as I was lying in bed crying. So, we headed back, this time with me sitting on towel, and they finally admitted me. Whee! 

I had told myself all through the pregnancy that I was going to try to go without drugs. Haha.  Well, I did make it 24 hours without... At the hospital, I got the epidural ASAP, and slept for a little bit, until the contractions really kicked up and the epidural was basically useless. 

I had progressed to a seven though, so it was all good. Probably an hour later, I was ten, so we started pushing. I pushed for 3 hours with an hour sitting break and her head would just Not come down. 

At this point my doc suggested a C-section. I was very ok with that... but.. Here's the deal. When you start with epidural vs a spinal (which is what my hospital does for scheduled C-Section) things can go a little crazy. Indeed, mine wasn't working and I was pretty much screaming in pain. They gave me some nitris oxide and some other super trippy drugs and I had a full on hallucinogenic drug trip. At one point I actually thought I had died. It was awful.  But at some point, I heard her cries through the hallucination, and eventually I was able to see her.  All I could think upon seeing her was how much she looks like Jared!  I didn't get to hold her until almost 2 hours later because I was so drugged up and shaking so hard, but when I did, it was love.  

Zoe Lane, born 8.2.14, at 1:41 PM, 8 lbs, 3 oz, and 20.5 inches long.  I will add stories about how she has adapted to the outside world in the last 8 weeks later..   For now, here are some pictures!
Zoe at 1 day old
Zoe with her bunny at 8 weeks old

Zoe with Drago

Zoe smiling :)