Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Dear Zo-Bear

You turned a year old this past weekend.  I am disbelief that you have already given me a year of your self.  You have been so sweet the past few weeks. You have really turned into a little person and not a baby anymore. Every day I am more in awe of how special you are and how blessed I am to be your mother.  

A few big things: 
-You are a rare baby, you have "breath-holding spurts".  This means that when you are very scared or mad, you will hold your breath until you pass out.  It is so scary when it happens.  It has now happened 3 times.  Twice at daycare, and once at home.  I cried when it happened at home because it was so scary.  You stop breathing and turn purple - every mother's worst nightmare!  All the research suggests you will grow out of it, and that it will only be an occasional thing.  I hope they're right.

-The day AFTER your first birthday, you decided to take your first steps.. AND say your first word (bye-bye).  You have been babbling for a while, but this is the first time you have been specific and copy us when you say it.  You also blow kisses, give low-fives, and wave on command. You are precious and amazing.

I saved all of your birthday cards and hope that one day they will mean something to you.  All of the family came to your birthday party: Me and Daddy, Grammy, Uncle Alan, Aunt Wendy, Elora, Emma, Madelyn, Grandpa & Grandpa Suggs, Mamaw & Papaw Williamson, Aunt Amy, and Uncle Josh.  We all got together to celebrate you. You ate your chocolate cake with gusto and were very proud of the mess you made.  

I love you more and more every day and can't believe you're my child.


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